Thursday, April 30, 2009
~ happy LabOur's dAy ~
Sunday, April 26, 2009
*** car park fuLL ***
have a niCe sundAy ('~')...
--> alamakkk! terlebih sudah...
nie la antara gmbr2 yang aku sempat amik tdi...usually, bginila keadaan kwsn rmah aku every sunday...maklumlah daddy aku ank sulung dlm kluarga dia...that's why adik2 dia slalu datang g umah...2 blom msuk siblings aku g, dorg x blk weekend nie...mayB, next week bru dorg blk...klu dorg blk lg sesak rmah smile's fmily nie dorg xblk, rsa bosan sgt2 sbb yg tgl ngn parents, aku ja sOrg...sunyi sehhh ;( least, klu dorg blk xdala sunyi sgt...ble gak aku main2 ngn ank buah aku yg adakalanya sgt ssh utk dikawal, jajal banar ba huhuhu...hOnestly, aku selalu rsa sunyi, bosan, tension, n yg seangkatan dgnny...aku mnada kwn kt kg nie, sOrg pn xda :( klu tserempak ngn org2 kt cni pkai angguk ja...asyik duk umah memanjang, nya org brunei beparam d rmah...bukanny sombong, tp daddy aku x bg aku cmpur ngn bdk2 cni...dOn't know why(^_^)...nak tau x kwn baik aku sapa????? 1) laptOp kesygnku..2) brOadband pengubat kesunyianku 3) Hp teman di kala sepiku 4) PS2 penghapus rasa bOsanku 5) de lateSt " myvi SE ezi " kekasih yg paling setia membawaku ke mana saja aku mau p...2la, beSt fwen yg aku ada hari ini, esOk & mungkin utk selaManya selagi aku diberi nafas & rezeki oleh-Nya...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
wHat cOlour are u???....
Colours offer great insight into a person's personality. As you grow older, you'll likely find that your favorite color has changed, because your personality has changed. Pick your favorite color below and find out what it means about you.
RED--> You're the lover.You're passionate and sensual with a volatile personality. You like to be noticed. You're spontaneous, and sometimes you have incredible energy. Your interests are many and varied. You like to learn new things. You're occasionally extreme in your viewpoint or lifestyle.Your will-power is amazing, and you are able to accomplish what would be impossible for others. You know how to stay focused when you have a goal in mind.When it comes to romance, you sizzle.
GREEN--> You're the healer.You like to take care of others and cure all woes. You feel best about yourself when you're contributing something to someone's life or aiding someone who needs you. You're easy-going and laid back, enjoying all life has to offer. Yet, you have the ability to accomplish much in life.You adhere to your beliefs and have a high sense of morality. You appreciate freshness and originality, which is why your fascination with the fine arts is endless.
In romance, you're often the nurturer.
BLACK--> You're the naturalist.You have a great appreciation for nature and for all life, and you would be comfortable living in conditions that others would rue.You're all for peace. You hate conflict, and you try to avoid arguments. As a result, you may have a lot of inner tension which makes you moody. You also have a tendency to be secretive, and you feel that there's a place inside you which others can't touch. You like to erect barriers in order to protect yourself and your hidden emotions. You're uncomfortable when anyone tugs at this private part of your soul.You have an eye for detail, and you see that which others would miss. This ability makes you good at problem solving.Black can also indicate submission, a desire to be led rather than to lead.In romance, black indicates submission.
GREY--> You're the appraiser.You're constantly examining life and every situation for meaning. You're creative, easy-going, gentle, and self-assured. You don't feel that you need to prove anything to the world.You like to do things in an original way.Though you may appear to be too focused on yourself, that's far from the truth. In reality, you're a caring person, a loyal friend, and you work well with others.You favor a peaceful and calm environment.Sometimes you're indecisive.In romance, you're open-minded and willing to experiment.
BLUE--> You're the idealist.You favor tranquility and peace. You like to relax and appreciate all life has to offer; however, you like things to be in order. More than likely, your home, is carefully organized. You're uncomfortable about your deepest emotions, and you try to hide them. Often you avoid decision-making until necessary. Even then, you'll always question the decision you made and wonder if another course would have been better.You have much will-power and a high possibility of reaching your goals as a result.You are capable of persisting against all odds when you're determined to reach a goal. You're loyalty to any project is endless.And regarding romance, you're affectionate and sensitive.
PURPLE--> You're the spiritualist.You're on a quest to do better, and become a better person. Though you sometimes get lost to material things, you look for spiritual connections in everything. You live a spontaneous life and have much energy.You believe there are no boundaries to what you can accomplish, and that belief takes you far. And indeed, you're a unique individual with unusual, though sophisticated, taste.Appreciating natural beauty, you enjoy being outdoors. You know how to relax, and you're comfortable with being yourself.Normally, you work well with others, not only because you're relaxed and self-assured, but also because you're giving of yourself and ask for little in return.You often keep your romantic side hidden.
BROWN--> You're the traditionalist.You aren't into fads or styles. You're comfortable with who you are and your current belief system. You could be called a "well-rounded" person, as you're solid and reliable.You're like nature and the outdoors, and you prefer a peaceful environment. You'd prefer a vacation to a quiet cabin in the woods rather than Vegas.You're conservative, and you have a high sense of tradition. You like things to be orderly and well-organized. To others, you're warm and sensitive.You dislike the bizarre, and prefer good old-fashioned romance.
YELLOW--> You're the philosopher.You're always searching for answers, ideas, or methods and you concentrate deeply. You're creative and original. You have an ability to overcome great obstacles that would stop others. If you stay focused, you're amazingly productive.You're easy-going and enjoy the finer things in life. You have an appreciation for fine arts. You avoid confrontations when possible. You prefer peace to conflict. You have a cheery disposition, and you're optimistic.In romance, you like to experiment.
PINK--> You're the peacemaker.You strive to make others happy. You're quiet, caring, intelligent, and eternally youthful. You're looking for bliss and kindness. You truly love everyone, and you always try to see the best in everyone, even finding explanations for other's faults.You are, by all definitions, a great friend and life mate. You're very thoughtful and romantic.Though others may think your productivity is below standard, in fact, you're hard-working. You just like to study problems thoroughly before you act. You never like to move into anything too quickly.When it comes to romance, you're a tease.
ORANGE--> You're the adventurer.You like to try new things and explore. You learn best by doing.You prefer a job that involves the outdoors. You hate being indoors, and long walks in the woods revives your spirit. You have an endless appreciation for your environment and animals, and you're ever on a quest to be more in touch with nature.You're outgoing and friendly to everyone you meet, though you can quickly become a tiger if provoked. Helpful and caring, you're a good friend--though opinionated at times. You're always looking out for the underdog, ready to lend your assistance.You're a good lover, highly passionate and willing to experiment.
WHITE--> You're the puristYou feel that you're pure and innocent no matter what you do, and you look at others critically--though that's not outwardly apparent to the person being observed.You're dedicated to your beliefs, but you don't like to discuss them with others. You probably think that you're serving some higher purpose in life.You detest anything that you feel is unclean.As a result, you favor organization and your house could probably pass the white glove test.At first you appear shy, but, in reality, you're outspoken. You're merely observing your environment and the people around you, before you make your thoughts known. In romance, you prefer tradition, and it takes a long time before you're comfortable with someone.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
sMile'S faMily........
lupa plak nk introduce fmily aku ngn u all...aku anak ke-6 drpd 6 org adik bradik...ank bongsula kirany nie, manja????? xdala manja sgt hihihi...aku ada sorg ja abg " brO r'i ", ank sulung pas2 slbihny kakak...smuany dh bkluarga, except me...bpa x izin kawen lg hohOho! calon yg paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaling sesuai xjmpa g ('_') ntahla bila...abg aku keja kt CIMB grOup, kk! dia ada 4 orang cahaya mata..pas2 kakak paling atas " Sist' Rose " cikgu kt tenOm, dh ada 5 orang cahaya mata dh...kakak ke-2 aku " Sist' aLong ", surirumah sepenuh masa, ada 3 orang cahaya mata...kakak ke-3 aku " Sist' Sam " keja kt UNITAR bhgian finance, ada sOrg cahaya mata, sorg lg coming sOOn, ondaway nk kuar...insyAllah ujung bln 4 nie aku dpt ank buah bru...kakak aku yg ke-4 " Sist' Lynn " inspector sahab hehehe...btugas nun jauh d IPD Bahau, N9...husbnd dia orang Terengganu, bru dpt sOrg cahaya mata..sO, cuba kira brapa rmai ank buah aku...ramai x????? aku jwb sndirila -> ramaaaaaaaaai...nkal sgt2 cm macik dia gak kot! huhuhu...kt bwh nti aku bg tgk gmbr fmily aku ok! klu nk komen, komenla ekkk...slmt menatap wajah2 kesygn hamba kt bwh nie...

ni mom & dad aku...dorg syg sgt2 ngn aku nie hehehe...bpa aku nmpk garang x??? smua kwn2 aku ckp bpa aku garang, btw mmg garang abis tp aku tau dia syg ngn aku...hOnestly, hidup aku sgt2 dikongkong...don't know Y?
nie la abg aku...sorg nie ja la abg aku...sori ekk, dia x bg aku upload gmbr full face dia, segan dia kata...
nie Sist' alOng's faMily...ank ke-3...greenDAY g2...
nie Sist' sAm akue...perangai kitorg hmpir srupa...1 kpala la kiranya ngn dia nie...gila2 cket kikikiki...slalu karaoke ngn dia ('_')
nie kakak aku yg paling last...inspectOr sahab, kt Bahau, N9...gmbr nie tem dorg bcuti kt cute 2 ank dia "Nur BalQis Umairah"...rindu ngn dia huhuhu...
anak sapola nie!!! hihihi...sama x muka aku ngn abg & kakak yg lain? ...
smile's family yg tercHenta...
rumahku syurgaku...
erm, Alhmdulillah smua gmbr keluarga aku dh upload...nti aku pOst gmbr ank2 buah aku plak ok! rsany, 2 ja bt masa nie...aku nk siapkn lesSon plan nie huhuhu...btw, dOakn kluarga aku sntiasa bahagia n dirahmati-Nya...Aminnnn!
" Biar menjadi rama-rama dengan sayapnya yg terang dan indah daripada sang kelkatu yg menerjah api. HARGA DIRI ANDA, ANDA YG MENENTUKAN !!! "
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Ada SesUatu utk ANDA!...
Things You Probably Never Knew or Thought About
1. At least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If not for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks. Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima. Lupakan segala maki hamun, caci & cela.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know. Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda; anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.
15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. Send this phrase to the people you'll never forget and remember to send it also to the person that sent it to you. It's a short message to let them know that you'll never forget them. If you don't send it to anyone, it means you're in a hurry and that you've forgot your friends. Take the time... to live and love. Send this letter to all the people you care about, Including the person who sent this to you. If you do so, You will certainly brighten someone's day and might change their perspective on life, for the better.
Seminit, hanya seminit diperlukan untuk mendapat sahabat baik, sejam untuk menghargainya, sehari untuk menyayanginya, tapi sepanjang hidup untuk melupakannya. Ini adalah pesanan pendek untuk menyatakan yang anda sentiasa mengingatinya. Kalau anda tidak menghantar pesanan ini, bermakna anda sudah melupakan kawan-kawan anda. Ambillah sedikit masa dan anda sudah pasti memberi keceriaan kepada seseorang atau mungkin mengubah hidup mereka kepada yang lebih baik!!!......